
Title: Report on Computer Services Bureau Technology Projects and Strategies
Computer Services Bureau
Colin O'Keefe
Stephanie Scofield
Robert A. Stresak
Information Only

This is an informational report on POST’s Information Technology projects and strategies.
POST Computer Services Bureau (CSB) is responsible for POST’s computing resources and systems that serve California law enforcement.  The Bureau consists of 17 staff in three units: 
  1. Applications Development Unit - responsible for programming and enhancing the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the Course Catalog, Reimbursements, and other statewide systems.
  2. Web Development Unit - responsible for all public and secure materials on the POST Website and related applications.
  3. Network Services and Support Unit – supports statewide users of EDI and the Learning Portal; performs all server, PC, and mobile technology purchasing, upgrades, training, and support. 
CSB also serves as POST's liaison to the State of California's control agencies on all matters of information technology.
In the agenda item presented at the February 2013 POST Commission meeting, technical staff set three broad strategic goals for technology use:  1) Take advantage of new technologies to increase automation of business functions; 2) enhance technical security of POST systems and practices; and 3) unify POST’s statewide systems into a single, easy-to-use online presence.  Specific projects that contribute to each of these goals are detailed below:

GOAL 1:  Take advantage of new Information Technologies, including tablets and other mobile computing platforms, and rapid Web application development, to automate POST’s processes and better serve our field.  Details follow:  

1.1 Automated the Professional Certificates application processes to increase responsiveness:

In cooperation with the Administrative Services Bureau (ASB), staff has automated both the application process and internal workflow processes for issuance of Professional Certificates, and integrated it with the Web-based POST EDI system.  This automation will offer much-improved convenience and communication with applicants, and will reduce the waiting period for professional certificates.  Following this project, CSB will automate the reimbursements process as a Web-based system.  Please refer to Strategic Plan item C.8.08 for more information. 

1.2 Automated agency compliance inspections to increase efficiency:

In cooperation with the Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau (TDC), staff has developed an automated process to assist POST Regional Consultants in performing agency compliance inspections.  By integrating into the Web-based POST EDI System, this application leverages existing data within EDI to identify officers and dispatchers records in need of inspection, and provides POST law enforcement consultants with an efficient tool to record inspection findings.  This automated process reduces the time required to compile inspection results and develop reports that are delivered to POST client agencies.

1.3 Transitioned paper-based learning materials into electronic formats (“e-Workbooks”):

In cooperation with the Basic Training Bureau (BTB), staff has developed the complete set of Regular Basic Course Student Workbooks into three different electronic formats that are optimized for tablets, smartphones, and PCs.  By accommodating the entire range of devices in use at POST academies, POST has increased the mobility and availability of the Workbooks.  The new formats also improve a student’s learning experience through interactive and multimedia content, such as quizzes and video demonstrations.  It is anticipated that electronic distribution of the e-Workbooks will reduce overall costs, even when equipment costs are factored.  Please refer to Strategic Plan item B.16.12 for more information.

1.4 Automated Course Evaluation Tools to improve feedback to course instructors:

In cooperation with the Training Program Services Bureau (TPS), staff has created an automated Course Evaluation Instrument (CEI) tool which eliminates paper forms by allowing CEI submission via mobile phone, tablet, or PC.  This process allows instantaneous reporting and analysis of course evaluation feedback, and will be implemented following POST’s move in early 2015.

1.5 Develop a broad range of computer-based testing and automated scoring tools: 

In cooperation with the Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau (SERB), staff has researched several viable professional testing software vendors to compete for replacement of the TMAS testing system.  The new system will allow additional tests to be added over the next several years, including Reading and Writing, Dispatcher, Scenario Scoring and other components.  All of the additional components will be developed to integrate into a single POST test delivery system, allowing improved reporting and statistical analysis.  Please refer to Strategic Plan item C.14.11 for more information.  

1.6 Automate the request and delivery processes for training materials such as Training Profiles and Continuing Professional Training (CPT) Status:

Law enforcement personnel in California can currently check their CPT status on the POST Website by logging in using their POST ID.  During 2015, staff will explore this function to include full training profiles, instantly delivered through the Web.  To ensure that these materials can be delivered securely, this project relies heavily on the new PASS security project, detailed below in item 2.1.  

1.7 Take advantage of POST’s building move to upgrade systems that support law enforcement consultants and operational staff:

POST’s building move presents several technical opportunities for improving services by updating internal systems.  Where feasible, IT staff is upgrading the new POST building with technology that will increase POST’s responsiveness and effectiveness:
  1. Telephone upgrades: “Voice Over IP (VOIP)” will be implemented.  This technology provides automatic call forwarding so that Law Enforcement Consultants (LECs) are reachable at one phone number regardless of their locations.  In addition, VOIP integrates voicemail services and email systems, and allows voice calls to be made using portable computers and tablets during travel.
  2. Bandwidth upgrades: POST will significantly increase the speed of its fiber-optic connections, which will accommodate heavier use of expanded EDI and POST Website services.
  3. More effective use of shared computing resources, POST staff has designed a space-efficient building layout that encourages easier shared use of printers, scanners, and conferencing equipment.  This layout should allow lower levels of shared equipment purchasing without negatively impacting POST business functions.  
GOAL 2: Improve POST’s technical security procedures and practices internally and throughout the state.  Details follow: 

2.1 Developed a comprehensive authentication infrastructure for all POST online resources, to allow POST to provide personalized services in a secure manner:   

“POST PASS” (short for “POST Passport”) is a new online service designed to work with all POST Websites (EDI, Learning Portal,, Basic Course, LOA, etc.).  Built on a standard technical framework used by many academic and private-sector institutions, PASS allows any law-enforcement user in California to access authorized POST online services with a single username and password.  In addition to improving ease-of-use, this ability is important because it allows POST to deliver sensitive materials online in a secure manner.  Beyond simplifying access to POST Websites, a significant use of PASS will be instant online delivery of training profiles to authorized personnel in 2015.  PASS also allows POST to communicate with law enforcement based on their specific agency, interests, geographical location, rank, and other attributes.  PASS has been implemented on the POST Website, and will be applied to all other POST sites over the course of 2015.    

2.2 Developed upgraded and cost-saving security measures for use with POST online testing at POST Basic Course academies and colleges:  

POST has developed “Flash Boot” devices for use at current and future POST online testing sites.  The device consists of a customized flash drive which is used with the testing PC to create a controlled and secure testing environment that bypasses any other software on the PC.  Beyond improving testing security, this device should reduce agency equipment costs by allowing testing PCs to be used for other purposes such as report-writing or other training, when not in use for testing.  The Flash Boot device is anticipated to work with future POST online tests as well as the current system.  

GOAL 3: Improve access to all POST products and tools by presenting a single, easy-to-use online presence.  Details follow:  

3.1 Integrate POST’s online products (EDI, Learning Portal, Course Catalog, POST Website, Secure Networks, etc.) into a more cohesive unit: 

In cooperation with Learning Technology Resources (LTR), staff will work to unify POST’s various Websites and online systems into a single online presence.  A single point of contact will allow law enforcement personnel to use a single user identifier and password, and reduce guesswork when accessing POST information.  CSB will also work to increase efficiency by sharing technical components internally between bureaus, enhancing all of POST’s technical development.

3.2  Better support law enforcement by offering all Web content on mobile phone and tablet users:

Tablet and mobile phone users now account for 31% of all access to the POST Website.  POST recognizes that Web use is changing, and has redesigned the POST Website to support these mobile users.  In 2014, POST implemented a new “responsive design” Website that automatically re-formats all pages based on the user’s screen size and device type.  As a result, every page of the Website is accessible to all users, while POST staff needs to maintain only one version of each Web page.  This change has resulted in fewer calls to POST for information, and reduced the effort required to update Web content.

3.3 Implemented on-line event notification and pre-registration:

In cooperation with the Basic Training Bureau, staff has developed online event announcement and registration functions.  Attendees may register for POST events (Consortium meetings, Training Manager Workshops, etc.) on the POST Website, and receive directions, hotel links, and email reminders.  This automation simplifies event registration by eliminating the need to register by fax, telephone, and paper mail. 

3.4 Implemented Event ID Cards, attendance scanning, and automated course rosters: 

POST event attendees are issued wallet ID cards containing their POST ID number, name, and may opt to add a photo.  These re-usable cards contain a bar-code which is scanned and confirms attendance and registration.  Once scanned, all attendance information may be loaded directly into the EDI system, and a course roster created automatically.  This system is in use at larger POST events, and eliminates paper-based rosters, data-entry work, and resultant transcription errors.

3.5 Provide basic learning management tools for POST program instructors and managers in a fast and cost-effective manner:

The POST Website has been expanded to provide interactive learning management tools for many of POST’s programs.  These tools include online assignment submission, discussion boards, secure file sharing, email notification to students and instructors, online calendars, and photo and video libraries.  Learning management tools may be set up quickly and at no cost to POST or agencies. 

The following secure Web-based tools have been implemented over the past 24 months: 
  1. Edge of Chaos Class Network
  2. Executive Development Course
  3. Records Management Network
  4. Regional Skills Training Network
  5. State Threat Assessment System (STAS) Network
  6. Evidence and Property Room Management Network
  7. Motor Officer Training and Operations Review for Safety (MOTORS) Network
  8. Career Pipeline
  9. Supervisory Network
  10. SBLI
  11. Command College  
By working toward the above three strategic goals, POST staff will continute to provide systems and technical services that are easier for our customers to access and use, and will increase efficiency within the agency and in the field.  
This report is presented for information only.  No action is required.
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