Museum of Tolerance
9786 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035

February 24, 2016
10:00 AM

The following are members of the Finance Committee

Sandra Hutchens

Pete Kurylowicz, Chair Person

Laren Leichliter

Jim McDonnell

Sylvia Moir

Batine Rameriz


1.Approval of the Action Summary and Minutes of the previous Finance meeting
Action Summary - October 21, 2015
Meeting Minutes - October 21, 2015
If the Finance Committee concurs, the appropriate action would be a MOTION to approve the Action Summary and Meeting Minutes from the last Finance meeting.
2.Report on Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2015-16
The Commission on POST receives monthly updates from the State Controller's Office on expenditures and the remaining allocation balances. This report notates expenditures through December 31, 2015.
3.Report on Personnel Authority for Fiscal Year 2015-16
The Commission on POST has a total of 118 authorized positions, allocated to eight bureaus, who contribute to serving the needs of California law enforcement.
4.Report on Training Reimbursements for Fiscal Year 2015-16
There has been a 14.2% decrease in reimbursements for the first six months of FY 2015-16 as compared to the same period for FY 2014-15.
5.Report on Revenues for Fiscal Year 2015-16
The Commission on POST is financed through a Special Fund known as the Peace Officers Training Fund. The Commission is provided a monthly update on the revenue collected by the State Controller's Office and distributed by the California Department of Finance. POST depends on this revenue to perform its legal obligations to the State of California.
6.Report on Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17

The Governor issued his proposed Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget for the State of California on January 7, 2016. The Commission's proposed budget totals $58,813,000. This includes an increase of the Commission's authorized allocation of $777,000 in Training Reimbursements, and an increase of $455,000 in Administration.


If the Committee concurs, the appropriate action would be a MOTION to approve items 2 through 6 as described in this agenda.

7.Report on Request to Renew Contracts for Fiscal Year 2016-17

Each year the POST Finance Committee reviews and makes recommendations for the Commission on Recurring Contracts.  A summary list of the proposed contracts is attached.


If the Committee concurs, the appropriate action would be a ROLL CALL VOTE to submit approval of staff recommendations to the Commission to authorize the Executive Director to enter into recurring contracts as enumerated in this report. 

1.Report on Request to Renew the Contract for Law Enforcement Command College
2.Report On Request To Renew Contract For Executive Development Course - FY 2015-16
3.Report on the Request to Renew the Contracts for Presentation of the Management Course
4.Report on the Request to Renew the Contract for Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute
5.Report on the Request to Renew the Contracts for Presentation of the Supervisory Course
6.Report on Request to Renew the Contracts for Basic Driver Training (EVOC), Motorcycle, and Narcotic Training
7.Report on Request to Renew the Contract for Department of Justice Training Courses
8.Report on Request to Renew the Contracts for Driving and Force Options Simulators
9.Report on Request to Renew the Contract for the Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation Program
10.Report on Request to Renew the Contract for the Instructor Development Program
11.Report on Request to Renew the Contract for Law Enforcement Driving Simulator System Warranties for FY 2016-17

12.Report on Request to Renew the Contract for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Museum of Tolerance
13.Report on Request to Renew the Contract for Local Agency Audits
8.Old Business
9.New Business
Minutes have not been generated.