
Title: Report on Request to Renew the 2-year Contract for Development of Training Videos
Learning Technology Resources Bureau
Ronald Crook
Jan Myyra
Manuel Alvarez, Jr.
Decision Requested

Should the Commission authorize the Executive Director to enter into a two-year contract with a qualified vendor for the production and support of the training video program in an amount not to exceed $3,116,000?

Since its inception more than 25 years ago, the POST video-based training program continues as one of the most valuable, cost-effective services offered to California law enforcement agencies. Historically referred to as "telecourses," POST's long-form videos are the cornerstone of the training video program and provide high-quality, in-service training to local law enforcement agencies. Each topic-specific video is carefully designed to assist law enforcement training managers and instructors in meeting timely training needs and legislative mandates for their agency. The videos may be used by agencies to satisfy CPT requirements at a fraction of the cost and staff time required for traditional classroom training. Video programs are available to agencies in the POST program at no charge and with no travel/per diem costs to the Commission. The programs are facilitated at the local agency by a training manager/supervisor qualified to teach the specific topics.

The video program first launched in 1989 as a live broadcast satellite network with VHS distribution, then transitioned in 2003 to DVD-based video by direct mail to agencies. 

In 2002, POST incorporated anti-terrorism training topics (Homeland Security) into its training video collection and has produced more than 20 Homeland Security-specific titles offered on DVD and as streaming video on the POST Learning Portal.

In 2011, POST initiated production of its new Did You Know? video series. These dynamic and engaging PSA-style videos are typically 60-120 seconds in length and help raise officer awareness in areas of safe driving, domestic violence, complacency, victims' rights, procedural justice, and more. The videos are delivered online via the POST Learning Portal and are also offered on mobile devices with the POST MediaBytes application.

In 2012, POST implemented a new instructional design for its long-form DVD training videos to make them more interactive for trainees and easier for instructors. The new format provides easy-to-follow steps for group facilitation by instructors and includes features to allow CPT credit to be awarded to trainees viewing on an individual basis or in a small group setting. The videos provide enhanced features and options that include discussion questions, sample facilitation sessions/demonstrations, and additional interviews with subject matter experts. As with previous designs, the DVDs are segmented into shorter sections and may be viewed over a period of time.

In addition to long-form in-service training and Homeland Security videos, over the years POST has produced numerous instructional and informational videos in support of specialized POST programs and Bureaus, including the Command College, Supervisory Leadership Institute and Supervisory Courses, Cultural Diversity Program, Public Safety Dispatcher courses, Institute of Criminal Investigation, and Field Training Program.

The POST training video program has included ongoing distribution and fulfillment services, allowing eligible agencies to order copies of DVDs by mail using the POST Video Catalog.  A limited number of POST's shorter specialized videos, Did You Know? videos, and Homeland Security videos have been offered as streaming videos online. The 2017-2019 video program contract would expand streaming video capabilities to the entire POST video collection, providing a two-year transition of all remaining videos from DVD to the POST Learning Portal.


The current video program contract expires at the end of November 2017. To ensure that California law enforcement agencies in the POST Program continue to receive these valuable resources, POST will once again need to solicit a two-year contract for digital video-based law enforcement training program design, development, production, media storage, and distribution/fulfillment services.

This 24-month contract will span seven months (from December 2017 to June 2018) of the 2017-2018 fiscal year, at an estimated cost of $961,000.

The total scope of work proposed for the POST Training Video Program in FY2017-2018 and FY2018-2019 includes:

Task 1:  Production and delivery of up to six (6) in-service, topic-specific law enforcement training videos per year with companion reference guides. The videos address contemporary law enforcement issues and are designed to meet POST’s continuing professional training requirements.  The videos are up to 120 minutes per program and are delivered as DVDs and in digital format for streaming media services.

Task 2:  Production and delivery of up to two (2) in-service, Homeland Security/Terrorism Prevention-specific law enforcement videos per year.  Similar to Task 1, these videos meet Homeland Security law enforcement training needs. The videos are up to 120 minutes each and are delivered as DVDs and in digital format for streaming media services.  Completion of this task is contingent upon U.S. Department of  Homeland Security funding sources.  

Task 3:  Production and delivery of up to two (2) Did You Know? officer awareness videos per year.  These short-form, public service announcement-style videos feature a timely topic and are delivered in digital format for streaming media services.

Task 4:  Production and delivery of up to two (2) long-form videos per year in support of specialized POST projects or Bureau programs.  These videos will meet specialized POST program training requirements and/or address timely law enforcement issues targeting the needs of specialized groups such as law enforcement supervisors, Regular Basic Course trainees, or public safety dispatchers. Videos are up to 60 minutes each and are delivered in digital format for streaming media services.

Task 5:  Production and delivery of up to three (3) short-form videos per year in support of specialized POST projects or Bureau programs.  Similar to Task 4, these videos will be designed in a format that features short vignettes, scenarios, or reenactments to meet specialized Learning Portal program requirements.  Video scenario(s) total up to 15 minutes each and are delivered in digital format for streaming media services.

Task 6:  DVD inventory storage, inventory management, distribution, and fulfillment services. Includes secure inventory storage, mail distribution and fulfillment of all existing and newly produced POST DVD video programs.

Task 7:  Master media storage, Video Catalog management, DVD replication, DVD conversion, and streaming media services. This task also allows POST to begin a two-year conversion of its DVD-based video programs to online streaming formats.

Staff recommends that the Commission authorize the Executive Director to enter into a two-year contract with a qualified vendor for the production and support of the training video program in an amount not to exceed $3,116,000.
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